A Summary of Parental Leave in France

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In France, parental leave – or congé parental d’éducation – may follow the birth or adoption of a child under 16.  This leave allows eligible parents to focus on raising their child through interrupting or reducing their work, instead of having to leave employment altogether.

Who is eligible for parental leave in French companies?

To be eligible for parental leave, the employee must have completed at least one year of service with the company on the date of the child’s birth, or the adopted child’s arrival at home.

All employees – men, women, natural and adoptive parents – may take parental leave if they meet this condition, and it cannot be refused by the employer.

Parental leave takes two forms:

  • Full leave, during which the employment contract is suspended.
  • Part-time work at a minimum of 16 hours per week.  The employee may choose the working hours that suit them.

Note: while the employer may not refuse the part-time working hours chosen by the employee, the distribution of those hours must be agreed together.

How long does parental leave last?

Initially, parental leave in France lasts for a maximum of one year.  It may be extended twice, as long as it does not exceed the date of the child’s third birthday.

For multiple births, parental leave can be extended until the children begin nursery school.  In cases of multiple births of at least three children, or the simultaneous arrival of at least three adopted children, the leave can be extended five times.  It must end no later than the children’s sixth birthday.

Parental leave may also end earlier than originally planned, as long as both the employer and employee agree.

What are the employer’s responsibilities?

Although the employee’s contract is suspended during parental leave, they will retain all of the benefits that were acquired before the start of the leave.   They can also expect to return to their previous role, or a similar job with an at least equivalent salary.

Parental leave is unpaid; however the employee may be eligible to receive basic social security payments from the Caisse d’allocations familiales.  The employee must not work in any other job during full parental leave, except as a childminder.

Can we answer your questions about parental leave in France?

Managing parental leave in France can be complicated for UK business owners who are unfamiliar with the procedural differences.

Our qualified and knowledgeable consultants are ready to answer your questions and guide you through the process.  Please contact us to arrange your free initial consultation.

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